Google Maps for Mobileが3.2.1にアップデイトされています

Last Update : 21/Aug/09
Google Maps for Mobileが3.2.1(#12)にアップデイトされています。

・Google Maps for Mobile 3.2.1 (#12)
(端末のInternet Explorer Mobileから)

>New features

>Places of interest: Selectable icons and labels on the map allow
>you to choose prominent businesses or places of interest in order
>to see business info, reviews, photos, Wikipedia articles, and
>a lot of other local information.
>To select an icon or label, use the 5-way pad or joystick to pan
>it to the center of the screen or tap it on touchscreen phones.

>Favorite Places (English only): Explore the favorite places of
>local experts from cities around the world. Find out where they
>like to go, and why, from their own perspectives. From the Maps
>main menu, go to 'Layers' > 'More >Layers' > 'Favorite places.'


>Layers: The "More Layers" list of layers is now organized as
>a tree of layer categories.



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